We're onto
something big!

About our research

Our project aims to raise awareness across the University of Washington, Seattle campus about the loss of birds due to collisions with transparent or reflective glass and lit surfaces. Students and volunteers monitor 22 campus buildings for dead birds that have collided with glass surfaces from September 2022 through March 2024. The species and location data collected will help us plan future design solutions and learn which species are most vulnerable to collisions on campus and in our region. Our project seeks to create an inclusive space for everyone on campus to learn about birds and how architecture impacts wildlife. All are welcome to join and everyone’s accessibility needs will be met throughout the project. As of Summer 2023 our entire team of researchers and developers represent women in the sciences!

Our research assistants and lead developers are funded by the Campus Sustainability Fund

Meet our team! 

Judy Bowes

Research Lead/PI
App Founder

Judy is a graduate student in the Built Environment Ph.D. program focusing on the impact of architecture and design on wildlife as an aspect of sustainable design. Judy’s graduate research will produce a system to evaluate a building's impact on wildlife and provide design solutions. Judy holds an M.S. in Architecture from UW and a double B.A. in Fine Arts & Design and Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Pittsburgh.

Maitri Dedhia

Lead App Developer

Maitri (she/her) is a junior in Computer Science and minoring in Ethics. Her favorite part of this project is monitoring routes and developing the collision reporting app to be more intuitive and accessible. Outside of school, she loves anything related to being outdoors--especially hiking, climbing, kayaking, and sports. She enjoys reading, cooking, and watching sunrises.

Parshvi Balu

SR App Developer

Parshvi is a sophomore studying Informatics at the University of Washington with a goal to make educational technology more inclusive for all students. This project is a beautiful connection of nature and technology and she is thrilled to work with such a diverse team of determined students. Outside of academic work, she finds deep peace and joy in being out in nature, from relaxing in her backyard to deep diving in the ocean. She loves to paint, dance, listen to Bollywood music, reading romantic novels, watching 2000s rom-coms, and South Asian movies.

Summer Delehanty

Lead UX/UI Designer

Summer is a junior in Human-Centered Design & Engineering, with a minor in Environmental Science & Resource Management. She’s always loved birds, so she’s super excited to work on this project! After graduation, she plans on pursuing UX/UI Design, while continuing to look for opportunities at the intersection of environmental science and design—wherever that ends up taking her. Outside of school, she enjoys birdwatching, drawing, and exploring the great city of Seattle.

Erik Rayas

Lead Designer - Architecture

Erik is a sophomore studying Architecture at the University of Washington with a goal of making the Built Environments more ecological and sustainable. Through design, Erik wants to create an environment that takes into consideration the safety and well-being of both animals and humans. Erik is very excited to be involved with the project and cannot wait to make Architecture more friendly for birds! Outside of academics, he likes to Paint, Draw, Sculpt, Garden, Hike, and Travel.

Malia McArtor

Research Assistant -
Health and Safety

Malia McArtor is a senior at the University of Washington, double majoring in environmental public health and biology (ecology, evolution, conservation). She joined this project as a route monitor and is now the outreach and data research assistant. Malia's favorite thing about the project is sharing a love for birds and learning about building design with volunteers and getting the public more involved in bird conservation. Malia enjoys wildlife photography, and feel free to ask her about OneHealth, zoonotic diseases, or wildlife in Southern California! Her favorite bird is a turkey vulture!

Kayla Lay

Research Assistant -
Field Coordinator

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Kenna Dailey

Research Assistant -
Field and Data Analysis

Inspired by her love of crows and other corvids, Kenna transferred to the University of Washington in 2022 and made the decision to study wildlife. She is now currently a senior majoring in Environmental Science and Resource Management with a minor in Urban Ecological Design. Her passions include birds, urban ecology, and studying human-wildlife interactions. In addition to the bird-window collision project, she spends her time working in the Prugh lab as a research assistant for the urban carnivore project. When she’s not working, she loves birdwatching, puzzles, lifting weights, listening to music, gardening, tidepooling, and just generally being outside and touching grass.

Ryan Nguyen

App Developer

Ryan is a third year studying Informatics at the University of Washington aiming to build accessible technology and software for everyone. He joined this project not only to gain foundational experience but also to leave an impact on campus and improve the environment of UW campus while saving and protecting birds. Outside of school and this project, he enjoys eating food, hanging out with friends, playing games -- and anything else social related! Trying out new experiences with friends is a favorite pastime of his.

Cammi Pham

App Developer

Cammi is currently a junior at the University of Washington majoring in Informatics, with a minor in Data Science! She is passionate about using her skills to contribute positively and make a meaningful difference in her community. She joined the Avian Impact team to embrace her passion and to work alongside a team of smart, brilliant women. Outside of school and work, she loves sitting in the sun, drinking matcha, and spending time with her loved ones. One thing that brings her joy is listening to music while browsing Pinterest in a room with ambient lighting!

Ronit Dasgupta

App Developer

Ronit is a sophomore studying Electrical & Computer Engineering with a deep interest in software engineering and programming. The project is super interesting to him and he is eager to work on making the app easily accessible for users to use. He is looking forward to working in a diverse team and hopes to make positive contributions. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer (or any other sport) and loves all types of outdoor activities.

Alex Anderson

Faculty Advisor

Bio coming soon!